Terms and Conditions | ||||
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GENERAL CONDITIONS OF SALE of the site www.sacrescoupons.comThe present general conditions of sale have vocation to govern the orders and purchases of the Net surfer (hereafter called "customer") near SAS AUX SACRES COUPONS via its commercial Internet site www.sacres-coupons.com.
They are expressly accepted by the customer who proceeds to an order.
The site is the property of SACRES COUPONS in its totality, as well as the whole of the rights relating to it. Any reproduction total or partial is prohibited and subjected to the preliminary authorization of its owner. Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version) 1. ACCEPTANCE OF THE CONDITIONSThe customer recognizes to have taken knowledge, at the time of the placing of order, of the conditions of sale stated on this screen and expressly declares to accept them without reserve. The present general conditions of sale govern the contractual relations between Sacres coupons and its customer, the two parts accepting them without reserve. These conditions of sale will prevail on all other conditions appearing in any other document, except preliminary, express and written exemption.
The present general conditions can be modified constantly and without notice by SACRES COUPONS, the modifications being then applicable to all orders posterior to the date of modification. 2. CONDITIONS OF THE ORDERTo place an order, the customer must complete the following steps:
1.Select the items in the dedicated sections,
Taking into account the nature of the activity of BAGS COUPONS and a possibility of delay or failure of its supplies, BAGS COUPONS reserves expressly the possibility of refusing an order and of not recording a payment and consequently of not confirming an order. The customer will be informed by any means within a reasonable time. If the selling price had in this assumption been the subject of a collection by error of SACRES COUPONS, the customer will be refunded without delay and at the latest in the thirty days of the payment of the sums which it will have paid.
Because in particular of this faculty opened to SACRES COUPONS to refuse an order because of an unavailability, the non-execution or the partial execution of an order will not give right to any compensation.
BAGS COUPONS also reserves the possibility of refusing an order of any customer with whom would exist a litigation or a disagreement relating to the payment of a preceding order. The confirmation by SACRES COUPONS of the availability and its agreement on the order is carried out by an email addressed to the customer on the address e-mail which this one will have communicated, this agreement of SACRES COUPONS devoting alone the stipulation of the sale. The cashing of the selling price will be carried out at the time of this agreement. 3. DESCRIPTION OF THE PRODUCTSLes caractéristiques essentielles du produit sont indiquées dans la « fiche produit » contenant en général une photo du produit et indiquant ses particularités.
4. AVAILABILITYThe products are presented for information purposes on the site www.sacres-coupons.com and, due to the need for frequent updating, the products are presented for information purposes only, subject to the limits of available stocks. 5. RIGHT OF WITHDRAWALUnder the terms of the article L.121-20-12 of the Code of consumption, the customer has a fourteen clear days deadline as from the delivery of his order to exert his right of retractation by the sending of the duly informed standard form and in this case to turn over with his expenses the product, with the following address: SACRES COUPONS, 3 rue Pierre Picard in Paris (75018). The product, which will have to be turned over accompanied by a copy of the invoice, will be refunded, in the 14 days following the reception of the turned over product. The returned product must not however have undergone any damage: product complete in its packing and in its state of origin.
6. PRICEThe prices indicated on the website are in euros, all taxes included, excluding delivery costs.
They are subject to change, especially in case of fluctuation of the customer's currency against the euro or change of the VAT rate.
These prices are only valid for purchases via the website and are not applicable in case of purchase in a store.
Thus, the prices charged online may be different from those charged for a purchase in store.
The prices indicated on the Internet site, by emails or during the various advertising operations of SACRES COUPONS are given in a punctual way and are likely to be modified in the event in particular of update of a product. Moreover, the tariffs practised on line can be different from those practised in store and are not opposable with the sales carried out in store.
The price applicable to the customer's purchase on the website is the one in effect at the time of the order.
The price appearing on the order validated by the customer is firm and definitive.
If the prices fall a few days after the order, BAGS COUPONS will not have to in no case to operate of compensation compensating the difference.
If the prices increase after the order, BAGS COUPONS will remain committed to deliver at the price fixed at the day of the order.
The prices do not include the expenses of port and packing, which are indicated automatically at the time of the order on the summary of order, before its validation and its final recording. 7. VAT AND TAXESConcerning any delivery in Metropolitan France, the ordered articles are subject to the French VAT.
8. MODE OF PAYMENTayment is made at the time of order, in cash, without discount and in Euro only. Several methods of payment are proposed to you:
9. TERMS OF DELIVERY AND TRANSPORTThe products are shipped within 24-48 hours to the address indicated by the consumer during the ordering process.
The delivery is carried out by a third company, only responsible for the effective delivery.
BAGS COUPONS however makes a commitment so that the delivery of the customer intervenes in the 30 days maximum as from the day of the placing of the order.
The other times indicated on the Internet site are given as an indication and consist of average times usually noted.
The company www.sacrescoupons.com cannot be held responsible for the delays of routing which are out of its responsibility. The entirety of the shipments made are followed.
The costs and delivery times also depend on the country of destination and are likely to change depending on the pricing options of transport providers.
Regarding the payment of shipping costs, they are fully charged to the customer and are automatically calculated and added to the amount of the order depending on the destination.
The shipping costs, function of an external actor, are not stated at the time of the order in a final way but only as an indication.
In the event of readjustment of the carriage costs by the conveyor, the customer will be held with the integral payment of the differential of price engendered, and BAGS COUPONS will be able to seek the payment of it in order to release the order.
In the event of non-subscription to the insurance proposed at the time of the order, the goods sold travel at the risks and dangers of the recipient to whom it will be up to check the conformity and the number of the sendings received and to diligent if necessary, in particular in the event of damage, of lack or substitution, all useful procedures against the conveyor, under the conditions of forms and times envisaged by the Law to put it in cause, the recipient prohibiting himself for this reason any recourse against SACRES COUPONS.
10. SPONSORSHIPSACRES COUPONS offers sponsorship operations that may be accompanied by commercial advantages.
The access to the services in question is carried out at the time of a preliminary sponsorship by a Member. The sponsorship by a Member is limited to a restricted circle (close relations, friends) of the effective and physical knowledge of the sponsoring Member.
The massive recruitment of godchildren outside of this framework, for direct or indirect lucrative purposes, or even for free, by any means such as through a website, a blog, advertisements on the Internet, or magazines or discussion forums, or by using the name of the brands partners of the Website or by reproducing a part of the catalog of the Website, is strictly refused.
If sacrescoupons.com were to notice serious irregularities by a Member in the use of its sponsorship system, it could then take all appropriate measures to stop these irregularities, including the exclusion of the Member
11. SALESAn order placed before the period of the sales having for object a type of article discounted during this period will not be able to make the object of any refunding which has for object to compensate the reduction in price.
13. COMPETENT JURISDICTION AND APPLICABLE LAWThe courts of Paris are the only ones competent to deal with any disputes that may arise on any grounds whatsoever from these general conditions and the contracts to which they apply. 14. INFORMATIONS LEGALESthe information of the personal information collected at the ends of the remote sale is obligatory, this information being essential for the treatment and the routing of the orders, the establishment of the invoices and contracts of guarantee. Failure to provide this information will result in the order not being validated. In accordance with the law "Informatique et Libertés", the processing of personal information relating to customers has been declared to the Commission Nationale de l'Informatique et des Libertés (CNIL). The customer has (article 34 of the law of January 6, 1978) a right of access, modification, correction and deletion of the data which concern it, which it can exert near Sacres coupons. In addition, Sacres coupons undertakes not to communicate, free or with consideration, the details of its customers to a third party.
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